My Work

I've been lucky enough to start and help grow a number of great companies.
HoneyBricks logo - Andy CrebarEquityMultiple logo - Andy Crebar
We built a online investment platform that connected investors with private real estate investments across the US. The company was acquired by EquityMultiple in 2024.
The highlight was being able to help thousands of investors learn and invest in high quality real estate that otherwise wouldn't of been able to access individually.
Mopoke Cloud logo - Andy CrebarTerem Technologies logo - Andy Crebar
A newsletter on ASX listed technology companies. The company was acquired by Terem Technologies in 2022.
Some of the deep dives we did have played out well - check out PayGroup, Camplify, Dropsuite and Life360.
Sapling logo - Andy CrebarKallidus logo - Andy Crebar
We built an software platform that helps companies like Warby Parker, PagerDuty and Figma run their people operations. The company was acquired by Kallidus group in 2020.
The best part was getting feedback from new hires and managers that their people we're crushing it with thanks (in part) to our platform.
Credible logo - Andy CrebarFox Corporation logo - Andy Crebar
Helped build a marketplace for mortgage refinancing, student loan refi and personal loans. The company was acquired by Fox Corporation in 2019.
I learnt many things here, but the biggest one was one of inspiration from the CEO who helped give me the courage to go out on my own.
Macquarie Group logo - Andy Crebar
Started as an intern in 2010 and then joined as a graduate. I helped software, telco and media companies complete acquisitions or go public on the ASX.
This gave me a great foundation for a career. And I'm insanely grateful for the many people that showed me the ropes here.

Startups I'm current invested in