E-Book cover for 'How to 10x your productivity with an assistant' with an book and tablet mock up by Andy CrebarE-Book cover for 'How to 10X Your Productivity with an Assistant' depicting a stylized illustration of an assistant and productivity charts by Andy Crebar

The Personal Assistant Playbook: How to Buy Back Your Time

The 5 minutes you invest reading this eBook may be one of the best investments you'll ever make. I truly believe that if you don’t have an assistant - you are the assistant.

This eBook covers:
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How much is your time really worth? - how this principle can dramatically shape your life and career. 
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The 4-step process to more freedom - covering recruiting, hiring, onboarding, and sharpening the saw.
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Templates you can copy and paste - get your system up and running faster with templates from job descriptions, hiring exercises, and basic workflows.
No fluff or junk. Just one short, actionable ebook to scale your time.